+++GRAD+++ +++LASTNAME+++,

ProWein is just over and we would like to take the opportunity to keep you up to date. Here you will find the latest news from our winery, an exclusive offer and information about upcoming events.

As you may have noticed, we were not represented at the ProWein wine fair this year. Instead, we have decided to focus on other options in order to present our high-quality wines and sparkling wines from the Middle Rhine to you in the best possible way.

Since we were able to save ourselves the costs of participating in ProWein, we would like to pass these savings on to you. That's why we're pleased to offer you an exclusive 10% discount until March 31, 2024 on our reseller list price!

Take this opportunity to stock up on our unique wines. Treat your customers to Easter or stock up on our Müller-Thurgau for the coming asparagus season - with us you will surely find the perfect wine for every occasion.

If we have aroused your interest, please feel free to reply to this email directly and we will be happy to send you our current list of offers or answer your questions.

Nahe goes Mainz & friends

On Saturday, April 27th, 2024, one day before the Mainz Wine Exchange, we and other real guys from Nahe, Middle Rhine and Ahr are making their way to the old post warehouse at Mainz Central Station. There you will show what makes your wines so distinctive and exciting. Over 250 wines can be tasted from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. There will also be exciting topical lectures by Romana Echensperger, Christina Fischer and Toni Askitis.

Registration and times for the topic lectures can be found at the link below.

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The Golden 6 - wine presentation

On Monday, May 6th, 2024 from 2 p.m., a wine presentation will take place exclusively for specialist audiences in the Rhineland-Palatinate state representation in Berlin. Five winemakers from each of the six wine-growing regions in Rhineland-Palatinate present themselves here.

If you are interested, we will be happy to send you registration and further information.

Foundation stone for a living vineyard

This winter, one of the main focuses of our work is once again building humus in the vineyards. After the grape harvest, we sowed a mixture of vetch, rye and crimson clover in every other row in November. Vetch and crimson clover, as legumes, store nitrogen from the air and release it into the ground and attract insects with their flowers in spring/early summer. The rye fixes nitrate in the soil over the winter and forms a lot of green matter in the spring. The greenery has developed well this winter and should start in spring due to the abundant amount of winter moisture, which is once again very important for nature. Depending on the rainfall in April and May, the vegetation is then roughly mulched at the optimal time and initially provides very good protection against erosion and evaporation. The then rotting material is slowly decomposed by soil life and then serves to form important humus, which feeds the soil life, which in turn releases nutrients from the soil and makes them available to the vines. In addition, in some of our vineyards we have again spread shrub cuttings in every second row, which also contributes to a faster humus build-up and significantly increases the water storage capacity of the soil.

All of these measures serve as the foundation for a vibrant vineyard. Only when the soil is in good health and the soil life, i.e. various microorganisms, bacteria and larger animals such as earthworms, feel comfortable can the vine be perfectly nourished and spontaneously emerging and flowering green plants form a habitat above the ground. Last year showed that we are on the right track. We have never had so much life in our vineyard before and for the first time we were able to encounter the praying mantis, which is on the red list, in large numbers and not just as a chance find. This winter we are pleased to have found several oothecae, which is the name given to the egg clutches of the praying mantis. See the following picture with a clutch of eggs on a vineyard post.

Now it's not just the vines that benefit from the sun

Since the beginning of the year, we have expanded our energy mix and, after a year and a half of back and forth with the network operator, we were finally able to put our photovoltaic system into operation. Paradoxically, our network operator apparently does not plan for two different renewable energies to be connected to one house connection and so the solar panels lay unused on the roof for a year and a half and a solution had to be found first. We have been producing electricity with our water wheel for over 15 years, and due to the larger amount of water, significantly more is produced in winter than in summer, when the wheel sometimes stops due to a lack of water. We can now produce electricity via our photovoltaic system, especially in summer, which also works down in the valley. In this way, we can make a further contribution to nature within the scope of our possibilities.

We hope you enjoy the transition into the warmer season and greet it with a smile on your face. Spring is finally here and with it comes new opportunities and fresh energy. 

We would like to wish you a warm start to spring and hope that this season brings you joy and inspiration.

For all of you planning your Easter business, we would like to wish you much success and good business. May this festive season provide you with ample opportunities to showcase your products and services and delight your customers.

As always, we are happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance or require further information.

We look forward to hearing from you and look forward to your orders and inquiries.

With best regards from the Middle Rhine

Thomas and Martin Philipps